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Weekly talk show on APIs

API-First Game and Television Character Development at Riot Games with Rickey McCoy

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Breaking Changes is a weekly talk show where guests discuss, debate, and solve the latest topics around APIs.

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Kin Lane is joined by Rickey McCoy, Senior Development Manager at Riot Games, to discuss how the video game developer is using their API to develop new characters and their award-winning television show on Netflix, embracing API-first when it comes to developing a deep understanding of their consumers.


Kin Lane

Kin Lane

Chief Evangelist, Postman

 Rickey McCoy

Rickey McCoy

Senior Development Manager, Riot Games


Riot Games, Inc. is an American video game developer, publisher, and esports tournament organizer based in Los Angeles, California.

In this episode of the Breaking Changes podcast, Kin Lane is joined by Rickey McCoy, Senior Development Manager at Riot Games, to discuss how the video game developer is using their API to develop new characters and their award-winning television show on Netflix, embracing API-first when it comes to developing a deep understanding of their consumers.