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Weekly talk show on APIs

Optimizing the API Lifecycle with Velocity

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Breaking Changes is a weekly talk show where guests discuss, debate, and solve the latest topics around APIs.

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Postman Chief Evangelist Kin Lane is joined by Dr. Ralf Huuck, founder and CEO of Logilica and adjunct professor at UNSW Australia. Ralf shares his sophisticated view of what the API lifecycle velocity actually means. Dr. Huuck also discusses the business and politics of how software is being delivered within the enterprise.


Kin Lane

Kin Lane

Chief Evangelist, Postman

 Dr. Ralf Huuck

Dr. Ralf Huuck

CEO, Logilica


Logilica is a value stream analytics platform for modern engineering leaders. With connectors across Git, Jira, and CI/CD tools, Logilica tracks the organization's engineering velocity, flow bottlenecks, and team health risks. Logilica empowers software engineering and platform teams to move from gut feel to data-driven decision-making.

In this episode of Breaking Changes, Postman Chief Evangelist Kin Lane is joined by Dr. Ralf Huuck, founder and CEO of Logilica and adjunct professor at UNSW Australia. Ralf shares his sophisticated view of what the API lifecycle velocity actually means. Dr. Huuck also discusses the business and politics of how software is being delivered within the enterprise.