Learn how DataStax made it easier for developers to work with the Apache Cassandra database: They created Stargate APIs, a new API stack for modern data apps.

Kin Lane
Chief Evangelist, Postman

am Ramji
Chief Strategy Officer, DataStax
DataStax delivers an open, multi-cloud data stack built on Apache Cassandra, the world's most scalable database. The company is working to make the Apache Cassandra NoSQL database ready for millions of developers through simple APIs.
In this episode of Breaking Changes, Postman Chief Evangelist Kin Lane welcomes Sam Ramji of DataStax to discuss how his team made it easier for developers who are building new applications to work with Cassandra: DataStax created Stargate APIs, a new API stack for modern data apps.
We will dive into key questions like:
- Why is data so important today?
- Why do APIs matter for data and for DataStax?
- What are ModelOps and MLOps?
- What does observability look like in the data space?
- What types of new data solutions are emerging?