Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery with Postman

In this webinar, we'll discuss "what is CI/CD," what CLI and integration options are available, and demo how to configure and trigger your CI/CD pipelines with Postman.

Weekly Thursday 10:00 AM ET.

Postmanaut at conveyor belt. Illustration.

This webinar will cover how to use Postman to enable your teams to shift left and be more Agile in their development practices by using Postman in tandem with your Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) tools.

This session will include:

  • What is CI/CD
  • How it is used in Postman
  • How to choose between postman's different test automation tools
  • How you can leverage your existing postman collections when setting up CI/CD pipelines

Postman v11 is here!

It's jam-packed with updates to help you collaborate on your APIs, augment yourself with AI, and more.